Friday, December 07, 2018

A SECRET I SHARED TODAY | Friday, Dec 7 2018

Let me tell you a secret from CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) whose most basic underlying principle is:


Let me introduce you to another fundamental of human behaviour - your brain has been designed to operate in optimal survival mode. Whatever you do, your brain has searched through its toolbox and found the solution that serves your best interests, to keep you alive.

When what your brain tells you to do doesn’t serve you, its only because it has only limited tools in its toolbox and doesn’t have the right tools to understand what’s really going on.

So you need to invest in the time and effort to educate yourself. One rule of thumb is to spend four hours a week. Another guru says if you read 300 books on a subject, you’ll have learnt the equivalent of a PhD in that subject. Another says if you practise doing something for 10,000 hours, you’ll end up mastering it.

In management, we say decision-making is based on accurate, complete and timely information. In the light of perfect knowledge, all decisions will be perfect.

In reality, our brains make do with whatever info we have in hand. Sure, we’ll make mistakes, but at the time, based on what we have in our toolbox, that was the best decision we could make under the circumstances.

Now, coming back to understanding what’s going on. If you suffer from lipoprotein overload, have intramyocellular lipids that block your insulin receptors sites causing insulin resistance, are obese (clinically defined as >20% above your ideal body weight) and if you know that eating animal protein (which invariably comes together with animal fat) will only increase your lipoprotein overload, you wouldn’t want to do that.

Because you know it’ll only make your insulin resistance worse. If you’ve been on a WFPB diet, you know having a cheat day (depending on what and how much you ate) may set you back one, even two, weeks.

So why would you want to do that?

Get info, try to find out what’s going on as best you can. It’ll not only inform you on what is the right path to take, but it’ll also motivate you to keep on track.

I hope, in my long-winded way, I’ve helped you understand these fundamental truths. They’ll help you with all sorts of situations and problems as they are general principles that can be applied in a multitude of situations to do with the human predicament.

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