Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reading List

Recommend list ofbooks to read by Dr Joel Kahn

Copyright 2003-2019 Azlan Adnan. This blog post is sponsored by The Green Party of Malaysia

Friday, October 04, 2019

Our Collective Future

I’m a human being who happens to hold a Malaysian passport by operation (accident) of birth. I had no say in where I was born, or to whom.

Let’s forget all this Malaysians vs Pendatang nonsense, us vs them mentality.

This is our only home. There is no Planet  B. We are in this together. When we talk of the future, let’s not talk of the future of the Malays, of Malaysia or even of Asia. 

We need to starting thinking more wholistically, of our collective future. The future of all humans, together with all other species in the animal, plant, fungi, bacteria and virus kingdoms.

Humans cannot exist on its own as a single species, so forget about the Prometheus dream of colonizing Mars or any other exo-planet. Not only are we dependent on and have biotic associations with plant species for food, on gut biodata for digestion and the production of neurotransmitters and hormones, but our chronobiology has uniquely evolved to survive on a 24-hour circadian cycle, and, physically, our bodies and skeletal system on Earth’s gravity.

Originally posted here: 

Copyright 2003-2019 Azlan Adnan. This blog post is sponsored by The Green Party of Malaysia