This Blog archives the random writings of Azlan Adnan as well as eclectic stuff by other writers that he likes and thinks deserve a wider audience. Azlan's Book Reviews are not available here, but are archived at his Fan Club. Only recent posts are shown on this page. If you want to see older posts, please click on the monthly archives. Please read the Legal Notice. Please do not access this blog if you do not agree to the terms and conditions or do not understand any of it.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Lathyrism, Ciguatera
People and livestock consuming grasspea (Lathyrus sativus, also known as chickling pea) as the principal diet for months develop a paralytic disease known as Lathyrism. Livestock that consume grasspea seeds (30-50% of the diet) for 3-6 months develop Neurolathyrism, a disease that leads to microgliosis in the anterior horns and lateral cords and partial degeneration of the motor tracts of the spinal cord and death in extreme cases (Williams et al., 1994; Smartt et al., 1994). Amino acid derivatives from the seeds of other species of the genus Lathyrus and of some species of the genus Vicia produced similar effects on experimental animals (Duke, 1981; Williams et al., 1994).
Beta-N-oxalyl-L-alpha-beta-diamino-propionic acid (ODAP) also referred as Beta-N-oxalylamino-L-alanine (BOAA) occurs in grasspea and is a neurotoxin which causes paralysis (Smartt et al., 1994; Williams et al., 1994). BOAA concentrations vary widely (from 0.2 to greater than 1.01 mg per gramme of seed) among specimens collected from India and Ethiopia, and also the BOAA distribution in embryo was the greatest (400 mg per gramme) followed by cotyledon (126 mg per gramme), seed coat (81 mg per gramme), stem (64 mg per gram), leaf (60 mg per gramme), pod (24 mg per gram) and root (14 mg per gramme) (Campbell et al., 1994). Occasional use is harmless. Seeds, if soaked in water for 24 hours before cooking, are not toxic (Duke, 1981).
More information on Lathyrus sativus may be obtained here.
Mystery Disease of the Chamorros
A rare and obscure disease that includes the features of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease) has been documented among the indigenous people of Guam, the Chamorros. It is now associated with the consumption of the toxic seed of the falso sago palm, Cycas circinalis. This species of cycad is distributed throughout the Western Pacific region, and it had represented a major source of carbohydates for the Guamanian people before the 1950s. The toxin that is now known to cause the disease is beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) which chemically resembles BOAA, which causes Lathyrism.
More information on Cycas circinalis may be obtained here.
N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)
An interesting sidestory concerns Parkinson's disease. In 1982, a group of young heroin addicts near Santa Cruz, California took some "synthetic heroin." Instead of getting the expected high, these substance users found themselves developing all the signs and symptoms of classic Parkinson's disease. The identity of the toxin in the "synthetic heroin" was quickly discovered to be N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a chemical that causes Parkinson's disease in humans and a variety of other animals.
Ciguatera poisoning was first documented in the early sixteenth century, but has probably been a part of life in the tropics for as long as men have fished the coral reefs. This disease has long been a mystery: fish which are freshly caught, which are to all appearances normal and healthy, and which belong to a species known to be completely harmless suddenly become poisonous. Around two thousand cases are reported every year: a handful in Japan, Australia and the USA, the majority in the islands of the South Pacific. The actual incidence of poisoning is probably much higher.
Marine finfish most commonly implicated in ciguatera fish poisoning include the garoupas (also incorrectly known as groupers), barracudas, snappers, jacks, mackerel, and triggerfish. Many other species of warm-water fish harbour ciguatera toxin. The occurrence of toxic fish is sporadic, and not all fish of a given species or from a given locality will be toxic.
Ciguatera is a form of human poisoning caused by the consumption of tropical and sub-tropical marine coral fish which have accumulated naturally-occurring toxins through their diet. Because ciguatera is associated with coral reef ecosystems, most of the research into its cause and cure is also carried out in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. The toxin is known to originate from the base of the food-chain, being produced by a uni-celIular algae first discovered in 1976 by Dr Raymond Bagnis (Institut Louis Malarde at Papeete) and Dr Takeshi Yasumoto (Tohoku University at Sendai, Japan) in the Gambier Islands and consequently named Gamblerdiscus toxicus. The algae is then consumed by fish, which are apparently immune to the toxin.
It is believed that most reef-dwelling fish carry at least trace quantities of the toxin in their system. In human metabolism, however, the toxin opens voltage-dependent sodium channels in the body's cell membranes, which devastate the nervous and muscular systems. Humans eating the fish can deal with minimal concentrations of the toxin, but above a certain level, its effect varies wildly from inducing mild nausea to, in one or two very rare instances, cardiac arrest and death.
The poison itself, first isolated by workers at the University of Hawaii, is a polyether compound appropriately named ciguatoxin. In April 1989, its molecular structure was jointly elucidated by Anne-Marie Legrand (Institut Louis Malarde), M. Murata, Y. Ishibashi and Professor Emeritus Takeshi Yasumoto (then of Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University). The results of the study were published in the Journal of American Chemical Society on June 27, 1989. The discovery of the chemical bonds will now allow the elaboration of a detection method for poisoned fish. Toxicology studies indicate that as little as 0.1 microgramme (= a tenth of a millionth of a gramme) can cause serious illness when consumed at a single meal by an adult human.
Other toxins are also implicated. Workers at the Institut Louis Malarde noted clinical differences in some instances of poisoning, and in collaboration with Japanese research workers, identified two more toxic compounds: scaritoxin, very likely a congener of ciguatoxin, and maitotoxin. All humans are believed to be susceptible to ciguatera toxins. Populations in tropical and subtropical regions are most likely to be affected because of the frequency of exposure to toxic fishes. However, the increasing per capita consumption of fisheries products coupled with an increase in inter-regional transportation of seafood products has expanded the geographic range of human poisonings.
The disease has only recently become known to the general medical community, and there is a concern that incidence is largely under-reported because of the generally non-fatal nature and short duration of the disease. Ciguatera in humans usually involves a combination of gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiovascular disorders. Symptoms defined within these general categories vary with the geographic origin of the toxic fish. Initial signs of poisoning occur within six hours after consumption of toxic fish and include perioral numbness and tingling (paresthesia), which may spread to the extremities, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Neurological signs include intensified paresthesia, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, temperature sensory reversal and acute sensitivity to temperature extremes, vertigo, and muscular weakness to the point of prostration. Cardiovascular signs include arrhythmia, bradycardia or tachycardia, and reduced blood pressure.
Ciguatera poisoning is usually self-limiting, and signs of poisoning often subside within several days from onset. However, in severe cases the neurological symptoms are known to persist from weeks to months. In a few isolated cases neurological symptoms have persisted for several years, and in other cases recovered patients have experienced recurrence of neurological symptoms months to years after recovery. Such relapses are most often associated with changes in dietary habits or with consumption of alcohol. There is a low incidence of death resulting from respiratory and cardiovascular failure.
For generations, we have called these diseases "degenerative" and of unknown origin. We now know that this "degeneration" is caused by biotoxins contained in particular plants and algae.
Estate Management Talk
From: Siti Aishah Abdullah
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 10:52:43 +0800
13th Zuhijjah 1425
24th January 2005
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
Assalamu alaikum wrt.wbt.
May you receive this email in the best of health and in high Islamic spirits.
Islamic Outreach ABIM is organizing a Bi-monthly High Tea for everyone.
The details of the function are as follows:
Topic: Estate Management
Speaker: En. Rafie Omar - from Amanah Raya Berhad
Date: 30.01.2005
Time: 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue: IOA Conference Room
3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2,
55000 Kuala Lumpur
Contribution: RM15.00 only
Limited to 40 participants only. Please register now, on a first-come
first-served basis.
For confirmation please contact us at 03-42569822, Fax : 42574500 or
email us at
Sincerely yours,
Tel: 03-4256 9822
Fax: 03-4257 4500
Friday, January 28, 2005
February MPlanet Ezine
money . success . freedom
Feb 2005 Issue #30
Welcome to the latest issue of "MILLIONAIRESPLANET EZINE"
1. Feature Article
2. Quote of the Month
3. Your Question Answered
4. Special Offers
5. New Book by Azizi Ali
6. Disclaimers
This month, I would like to share with you an excellent article
written by Bill Wermine, a good friend of mine and author of "How you
can get rich from Swing Trading". Read, enjoy, benefit and keep your
And yes, have a happy, healthy and prosperous Chinese New Year! May
the typhoon of wealth blow your way in 2005.
Pitfalls of Options
by Bill Wermine
Imagine visiting Genting Casino and playing roulette. There
are 18 black numbers, 18 red numbers and 1 green zero.
If you simply bet red or black you will be paid even money
should red or black come up. However if you bet red or black
and the green zero comes up you will lose your bet that you
placed on red or black.
The green zero represents the house edge which is 2.6 %.
If you play the options game by buying options the odds are
about 80 % against you versus 2.6 % against you if you play
red or black at Genting.
This report will show the reasons why the odds against the
small options trader are overwhelmingly negative.
"Options are one of the greatest and most costly
frauds ever perpetuated on the trading public."
FH Goslin, Market Wizard and author of Trading Day by Day
Options have limited risk for the buyer and unlimited risk
for the seller. That is why most small traders buy options
rather than sell them. Unluckily for the small traders, the
buy side of options has many built in disadvantages. The
odds are stacked against the buyers (primarily uninformed,
small traders) and in favor of the sellers who are for the
most part institutions, large hedge funds and big money
The major problem with options is that they are time
depreciating assets. If you buy a share or futures contract
and a month later the price is unchanged you lose nothing.
You will be even.
If you buy a call or put option and the price of the
underlying stock or future is unchanged a week later, you
will have a loss. Every day you own the option the value
This means that time is working for the seller (big money)
and against the buyer (small money).
Because of time erosion, it means not only must you get
the direction right, your timing must be exact and the move
in your favor must be substantial.
Getting timing right as well as direction is hard enough as
a trader. When you add in the need for a substantial move
(to cover the cost of the option) the probabilities of
success are very low.
In shares or futures, the odds are 50-50 as shares and
futures are simply an up and down game. In options, the game
is closer to an 80-20 game against you the options buyer.
No matter how good you are as a trader, these are difficult
odds to overcome on any regular, consistent basis.
You may ask, if the odds are so much against the options
buyer, why not be a seller?
The risks as an options seller are also formidable: These
include high margin requirements and unlimited risk should
the market move in the wrong direction.
These risks make it difficult for small money players to
participate and profit as options sellers on a consistent
basis. To properly take advantage of the odds for the seller
requires an account to be capitalized with several hundred
thousand dollars. Very few individual traders have an
account this size to develop to an options selling program.
Large traders sell thousands of options with various strike
prices just like a life insurance company sells life
policies. Yes, an option will go bad just like a life
insurance company will have to pay death benefits. Because
the risk is spread the life insurance company will have no
problem paying off a policy. Because a large trader sells
thousands of options he has no problem covering the
occasional loss. The economy of scale insures that the
options sells odds work for him.
A small trader who sells a limited number of options is
gambling and risking much more. He has no economy of scale
and runs the risk of substantial losses should just one
trade go bad.
The pricing of options
Options prices are arbitrarily set by the sellers. They are
determined by options pricing models which are skewed to the
benefit of institutions and big money interests. In other
words they are not really set by free auctions between
buyers and sellers.
Options are priced by options sellers based on time value,
intrinsic value and volatility.
If the dollar values for volatility and time are too low,
the buyers will have the advantage. If they are set high,
the sellers will have the advantage. Understandably, since
the options industry overwhelmingly sells options, the time
and volatility factors are set up to produce high prices.
They are set up arbitrarily to inherently favor the sellers
(who control the options industry) and against the buyers
who are the customers of the options industry.
Bottom line
The actual payout is too low in relation to the true odds.
The pricing formula insures that the payouts are much less
than the true odds. Just like a casino, although the odds
are much better for the player in a casino than in the
options markets. Again it means the odds are tilted in
favor of the sellers.
The pricing formulas which are biased statistically insure
there is no real risk in selling options for a large fund
as risks are spread unlike a small trader who risks ruin
by not having the funds to spread risk.
The clever Nobel laureates who awarded a Nobel Prize for
the Black Scholes Options pricing model handed a gift to
the options industry. They gave a pricing formula which
could easily be rigged to permanently favor the sellers.
Some might argue that options is a fair game. Why are there
many hedge funds whose sole function is to sell options?
I have never heard of one whose mandate is to buy options.
The reason is simple: No one in the fund industry is so
foolish to believe that a fund whose sole purpose is to buy
options could ever be a profitable business.
Many options experts would vigorously argue these points:
They would say using delta neutral strategies, spreads and
numerous fancy techniques are profitable. Reality is
different. It boils down to getting timing and direction
right รข€“ not that simple or easy. These fancy strategies
may help limit loss but is this any consolation?
If you should absolutely insist on buying options, stick to
deep in the money options with little time value and use a
disciplined risk management strategy.
Even this strategy has disadvantages but may show minor
My bottom line advice: Just ignore options; act like they
do not exist. Your bottom line will be better for it.
"The world has a habit of making way for the
man whose words and actions show that he knows
where he is going."
* Napolean Hill *
Q: Suggest you charge minimal "consultancy fees" to those
who want personal questions to e answered in future.
Perhaps this way you won't feel you're wasting your time?
Win-win for both. Don't forget they are many looking up to
you, so "shutting them away" isn't too brilliant either.
Personally I feel you should keep up the good work. You are
one rare breed! As Malaysian, I'm proud of you.
A: No, I don't feel like I'm wasting time reading your
questions and answering them. If not, I'll not be doing
I only wrote that I cannot give personal answers or "urgent"
answers as my time is limited. Of course, I cannot answer
the entire question as some of them will require me to
write 10 pages. Still, I do read all emails, so keep them
Read "Turbo Strategy" by Brian Tracy
4. SPECIAL OFFERS: Property Seminar
1. The *number 1* property seminar in Malaysia is back!
Title: Be the next Property Millionaire
Date: Sat 5th Feb 2005
Time: 9 am - 6 pm
Venue: Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya
Click here to find out how you can benefit from the real
estate revolution. Register now as we have only a few seats
PS: Each pax will receive a complimentary copy of Azizi's
latest best seller "How to Become a Property Millionaire".
2. The first ever "How to Write a Bestseller in 88 days" Writing Workshop
If you always wanted to write a book but did not know what
to do, how to do it or who to ask, then this workshop is
for you. Details follow:
Title: How to Write a Bestseller in 88 days
Date: Sat 12th Mar 2005
Time: 9 am - 5 pm
Venue: Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya
Register now as to take advantage of the early bird offer.
Click here to find out more.
Azizi's latest book "mXe! five keys to become an Extreme
Millionaire" is out now. As the title suggests, this
book is about how you can get to be a millionaire as
quickly as possible while doing the things that you love.
If you have benefited from Azizi's previous books, then you
will no doubt love this latest offering. You will find gems
inside this book, which include Azizi's own secret of
success and formula of living life.
Place your order now and be one of the first to get this
For more details, please click on:
This e-zine is for educational purposes only. The author and
publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any
liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is
incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the
use and application of any of the contents of this e-zine.
So that's it, folks. The latest FREE issue of the
"MILLIONAIRESPLANET EZINE". I trust that you've picked up
some useful stuff that can help you become a Grand Master
of Money.
So tell your mom, tell your dad, tell your girlfriends and
your boyfriends too, and ask them to join the party!
Until the next issue, keep your eyes on the money and
here's to the next million!
Azizi Ali
*Millionaires Coach*
Copyright 2005 Azizi Ali
All rights reserved
-------------------Signature File----------------------
Azizi Ali
True Wealth Sdn Bhd
tel: 03-7880 1051
fax: 03-7880 8051
Date: Friday, January 28
Time: 7.55 pm
Venue: 3-3-1 Kenanga 3
Jalan 19/56
Keramat Wangsa
If you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad or Cashflow Quadrant and would like to meet other Robert Kiyosaki followers who are putting theory into practice, do come along with your friends. Please SMS Azila Zainol on 012-686 6870 with the number of friends or colleagues you are bringing so that we know how many people to expect.
Directions how to get there:
Go up Jalan JOHAR at Bukit Damansara. Drive past the ESSO station (on your left). At the traffic lights, turn left into Jalan BERINGIN. The first turning on the left is Jalan SETIABISTARI. Number 21 is about 120 metres on the right side of the road.
If you are coming by Public Transport:
KTM Kommuter: nearest station is KL Central. Then take a taxi (RM8).
PUTRA LRT: nearest station is Bangsar. Then take a taxi (less than RM5) or take a rapidKL (formerly known as PUTRAline) bus (fare RM1) to Jalan Johar and then walk to Jalan Setiabistari via Jalan Beringin.
Building a Pipeline to Wealth
By Robert Kiyosaki
Each of us resides in at least one of the four quadrants of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. Where we are is determined by where our main source of income comes from. Many of us rely on paychecks and are therefore employees, while others are self-employed. Employees and self-employed individuals reside on the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. The right side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant is for individuals who receive their cash from businesses or investments they own.
My rich dad told me a simple story when I was 12 years old that has guided me to great wealth and financial freedom. It was Rich Dad's way of explaining the difference between the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant, the 'E' and 'S' quadrants, from the right side of the 'B' and 'I' quadrants. It goes: "Once upon a time there was this quaint little village. It was a great place to live except for one problem. The village had no water unless it rained. To solve this problem once and for all, the village elders decided to put out to bid the contract to have water delivered to the village on a daily basis. Two people volunteered to take on the task and the elders awarded the contract to both of them. They felt that a little competition would keep prices low and ensure a back-up supply of water.
Self Employed Thinking
The first of the two people who won the contract, Ed, immediately ran out, bought two galvanized steel buckets and began running back and forth along the trail to the lake which was a mile away. He immediately began making money as he labored morning to dusk hauling water from the lake with his two buckets. He would empty them into the large concrete holding tank the village had built. Each morning he had to get up before the rest of the village awoke to make sure there was enough water for the village when it wanted it. It was hard work, but he was very happy to be making money and for having one of the two exclusive contracts for this business.
Business Owner Thinking
The second winning contractor, Bill, disappeared for a while. He was not seen for months, which made Ed very happy since he had no competition. Ed was making all the money.
Instead of buying two buckets to compete with Ed, Bill had written a business plan, created a corporation, found four investors, employed a president to do the work and returned six months later with a construction crew. Within a year, his team had built a large volume stainless steel pipeline that connected the village to the lake. At the grand opening celebration, Bill announced that his water was cleaner than Ed's water. Bill knew that there had been complaints about dirt in Ed's water. Bill also announced that he could supply the village with water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ed could only deliver water on the weekdays & he did not work on weekends. Then Bill announced that he would charge 75% less than Ed did for this higher quality and more reliable source of water. The village cheered and ran immediately for the faucet at the end of Bill's pipeline. In order to compete, Ed immediately lowered his rates by 75%, bought two more buckets, added covers to his buckets and began hauling four buckets each trip. In order to provide better service, he hired his two sons to give him a hand for the night shift and on weekends. When his boys went off to college, he said to them, "Hurry back because someday this business will belong to you." For some reason, after college, his two sons never returned. Eventually, Ed had employees and union problems. The union was demanding higher wages, better benefits and wanted its members to only haul one bucket at a time. Bill, on the other hand, realized that if this village needed water then other villages must need water too. He rewrote his business plan and went off to sell his high speed, high volume, low cost and clean water delivery system to villages throughout the world. He only makes a penny per bucket of water delivered, but he delivers billions of buckets of water, and all that money pours into his bank account. Bill had developed a pipeline to deliver money to himself as well as water to the villages. Bill lived happily ever after. Ed worked hard for the rest of his life and had financial problems forever after. The end." That story about Bill and Ed has guided me for years. It has assisted me in my life's decision-making process. I often ask myself, "Am I building a pipeline or hauling buckets?" "Am I working hard or am I working smart?"
And the answers to those questions have made me financially free. The CASHFLOW Quadrant is about the four different types of people who make up the world of business, who they are and what makes individuals in each quadrant unique. It will help you define where you are in the Quadrant today and help you chart a course for where you want to be in the future as you choose your own path to financial freedom. While financial freedom can be found in all four of the quadrants, the skills of a 'B' or 'I' will help you reach your financial goals more quickly. A successful 'E' should also become a successful 'I'.
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Financial Planning ~ Your Passport to Financial Freedom!
The function of an insurance agent is to act on behalf of an insurance company to acquire insurance business from the customers or prospective customers of the insurance company (insurer). Unlike the insurance broker who represents the buyer of insurance, insurance agents represent the insurance company, essentially to sell insurance policies.
Insurance agents can act on behalf of not more than two general insurance companies and one life insurance company at a time. To be a general insurance agent, one must sit for and pass the Pre-Contract Examination for Insurance Agents (PCEIA) , Part A & Part B, and to be a life insurance agent, one must pass Part A & Part C of the PCEIA. The examination is conducted by The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII). The PCEIA assures that any person who becomes an insurance agent has the necessary basic knowledge to promote and sell insurance to the general public on behalf of the insurance company which they represent.
After passing these examinations, the general agent will have to register himself/herself with the Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM), and the life agent with Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) before he can transact any insurance business. Upon registration by PIAM, general insurance agents are required to comply with a set of rules known as the General Insurance Agents Registration Regulations (GIARR) and a code of ethics for general insurance agents.
An insurance agency can be operated either on a part-time, spare-time, free-time basis or full-time. In today's increasingly sophisticated environment, more and more insurance agents have become professional consultants and full-service financial planners who operate their agency business on a full-time basis. This enables them to concentrate on the business and to provide the best possible service to their clients.
Traditionally, insurance agents are not salaried but are paid by the insurance companies they work for by way of commissions on sales. However, a number of banking groups now own insurance companies which use salaried staff to sell their insurance products.
Life insurance agents get the opportunity to earn passive income as they earn commissions and various bonuses for a number of years after a life insurance policy is sold. If you'd like to find out what opportunities a career in Life Insurance can offer you, do attend the next Life Insurance...
on Friday, January 28 2005
from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
at Level 6, Menara AIA
99 Jalan Ampang
Nearest PUTRA LRT and STAR LRT station is Masjid Jamek.
Azlan Adnan
012-383 1324
Next Master Mind Meet
From: Kaynis
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:21:39 +0800
Subject: Next Master Mind Meet
To: Alan Tung Kong Weng
Christina Hue
Francis Tan Yoke Chun
Karisa Chong
Quennie Foo
Shirley Tan
Dear all,
Next NLP Meeting coming Friday 28th Jan 6.30 to 8.45pm, Room 2, 6th Flr, Menara AIA.
PLEASE Be Punctual! We will start on time!
Bring your manual and Napoleen Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" along.
Mobile+ 6 019 3290288
KL/Questar Agency
8.29 Level 8 Wisma AIG
99 Jalan Ampang, 50450 KL
Questar Agency, for ALL your Financial Planning
& Insurance needs!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Dear All
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
We are pleased to inform you that we are organising our monthly informal gathering soon. Details of the meeting are as follows:
Venue: 2nd Floor, Restoran Pelita, Jalan Ampang, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR
(the new restaurant next to Wisma Central and adjacent to KLCC)
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2005
Time: 8.00 pm
We look forward to meet you and in the meantime, please contact me, Feriz Omar, at 012-238 5888 or Wan Joe at 016-251 0600 or Faizal Riza at 017-265 2540 should you require further information and/or clarification on the above.
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
You're invited to attend a Business Opportunity Presentation on a career as a Unit Trust Consultant or Financial Planner with O-Tye Agency representing SBB Mutual Berhad. Details:
Date: Wednesday, January 26 2005
Time: 7.55 pm to 9.30 pm
Lot C-615 & Lot C-616, Level 6, Block C
Kelana Square
17 Jalan SS 7/26
Kelana Jaya
47301 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 603-7880 6893
Fax: 603-7880 6893
SBB Mutual Berhad
SBB Mutual Berhad, a member of the Southern Bank Berhad Group was incorporated in 1990. Since its inception, the company has steadily grown into a reputable company and is also amongst the larger unit trust management companies in Malaysia.
SBB Mutual aims to be the people's first choice unit trust management company in the country and is unique in its excellent personalised service, potential above average returns and customised products and plans.
In 1995, in an effort to move ahead of the industry, SBB Mutual appointed BHLB Asset Management Sdn Bhd (BAM) to professionally manage its funds, thus making it the first fund management company in the country to have a separate investment arm. Today, the investment arm of SBB Mutual is SBB Asset Management Sdn Bhd (SBBAM).
SBB Mutual had won numerous local accolades since 1996. One third of its funds, namely the SF, HGF, ECO, BOF and RBF had won awards from Lipper as well as, Standard and Poor's Micropal from the period of 1996 - 2003.
In November 1996, in tandem with the government's decision then to allow EPF contributors to invest a certain portion of their EPF monies in approved funds, SBB Mutual became an approved Fund Manager for the EPF Investment Scheme.
SBB Mutual raised itself up another level on September 1, 2000 by becoming the first unit trust management company in the country to be conferred the status of Institutional Unit Trust Agent (IUTA). With this, SBB Mutual is now distributing a variety of third party funds belonging to renowned financial institutions.
Today, the Company is continuing its efforts to expand its portfolio and services, and to excel in serving the needs of its existing and prospective customers. With this, and the strength cum support of its nationwide network of branches, sales offices and over 5,000 highly experienced unit trust consultants, SBB Mutual is equipped to be Your Partner in Financial Planning.
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Sunday, January 23, 2005
African Scam ~ Martin K. Stojjre
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 01:13:56 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Attn:Mr. Adnan.
Barrister Martin K. Stojjre
Tel:+228 911 88 92
Office Address:Sotร©d Afriquร© BP 6010
Lome-Togo Republic.
Attn:Mr. Adnan,
I am Barrister Martin K. Stojjre, a solicitor at law, personal
attorney to Mr.H.M. Adnan, a national of your country, an Oil Merchant
with Afri-Global Petroleum Producing Marketing Company Lome-Togo.
Here in after shall be referred to as my client.On the 27th of
December 2003, my client, his wife and their only daughter had a
ghastly car accident along Bariga Express Road in Lome-Togo while
coming back from a family picnic.
All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since
then I have made several enquiries to your embassy here to locate any
of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to track his last
name over the Internet and i contacted you.I have contacted you to
assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$10.5 Million left behind
by my late client before it gets confiscated by the Security Finance
Firm where this huge amount were deposited.
The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide
the next of kin or have his account confiscated within the next thirty
one official working days.
Since I have all the necessary information and legal documents needed
to back you up for claim in my late client's security file jacket in
my custody,I hereby seek your consent to present you as the Next of
Kin to the deceased since you have the same last name,so that the
proceeds of this account can be paid into your account as the true
Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss
the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer.
All I require from you is your willingness to assist me and cooperate
so that we can clear the payment to your account as scheduled.I
guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that
will protect you from any breach of the law in the present and future.
Please get in touch with me through my official email address at for more details.
I look forward to your response at your earliest convenience.
Yours Truly,
Barrister Martin K. Stojjre.
Children and Carbonated Soft Drinks
Soft drink use among our children is on the rise. Today's teen typically drinks three times the amount of soft drinks that teens twenty years ago drank. This is a concern for several reasons:
* increased fizzy drink consumption typically results in an increased consumption of caffeine,
* increased sugar consumption is linked to increased levels of tooth decay,
* increase in calories without any nutritional benefit,
* eating patterns established in childhood are usually carried over into adulthood,
* childhood obesity is on the rise.
Studies have shown that caffeine interferes with the absorption of calcium. So, teens and kids replacing milk or other phytonutrient rich juices with soda have double the consequences since calcium intake is minimized and the absorption of any available calcium is decreased by excessive carbonated soft drink consumption.
Here are a couple of tasty and nutritious drinks to substitute next time your teen reaches for a carbonated soft drink:
* Dilute 100% fruit juice with sparkling water
* Keep sports bottles filled with icy water
* Stock up on thirst quenching fruits like grapes and melons
Despite the lack of nutrition provided by carbonated soft drinks, kids do enjoy the flavour and should feel free to enjoy them in moderation. Fizzy drinks can have a place in a healthy diet as long as they are not substituting for more nutritious beverages.
The grim reality is that carbonated soft drinks are a major source of sugar in the diets of young children throughout the world. So as the vendors of fizzy sugar-water scramble to defend or abandon their efforts to sell soda in schools, how about we uncork some true facts?
Soft-drink drinking among young people is indeed linked to tooth decay -- the culprit is not only sugar. The New York Times reported that the phosphorus in cola can make calcium less available: "A series of studies by Dr Grace Wyshak at the Harvard School of Public Health has found about a fivefold higher rate of bone fractures among physically active teenagers who consume the most colas."
According to David Ludwig, an obesity expert at Children's Hospital in Boston, who helped write a new study on fizzy drink consumption, "It is not uncommon for teenagers to receive 500 to 1000 calories per day from sugar-sweetened drinks. These drinks may be easy to over-consume, because calories in liquid form seem to be less filling than calories in solid form."
And don't think you can get off the hook by drinking those "healthy" uncarbonated fruit drinks, which also have plenty of sugar. In fact, soft drinks ~ carbonated and uncarbonated ~ are a major contributor to the ongoing epidemic of childhood obesity.
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Ten Reasons
By Charlene Laino
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
You know smoking causes lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, but you're still lighting up. To help you get on the wagon this new year, we've compiled a list of little known ways your life can go up in smoke if you don't kick the habit.
From an increased risk of blindness to a faster decline in mental function, here are 10 compelling -- and often surprising -- reasons to stick to your resolution in 2005. And so you don't have to go it alone, click on the image above for a step-by-step guide on how to get started. No butts about it!
1) Alzheimer's Disease: Smoking Speeds Up Mental Decline
In the elderly years, the rate of mental decline is up to five times faster in smokers than in nonsmokers, according to a study of 9,200 men and women over age 65.
Participants took standardized tests used to detect mental impairment when they entered the study and again two years later. Higher rates of mental decline were found in men and women -- and in persons with or without a family history of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, the researchers reported in the March issue of the journal Neurology.
Smoking likely puts into effect a vicious cycle of artery damage, clotting and increased risk of stroke, causing mental decline, writes researcher A. Ott, MD, a medical microbiologist with Erasmus University Medical Centre in the Netherlands.
The bottom line: The study provides substantial evidence that chronic tobacco use is harmful to the brain and speeds up onset of Alzheimer's disease, Ott says.
2) Lupus: Smoking Raises Risk of Autoimmune Disease
Smoking cigarettes raises the risk of developing lupus -- but quitting cuts that risk, an analysis of nine studies shows.
Systemic lupus erythematosus -- known as lupus -- is a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation, pain, and tissue damage throughout the body. Although some people with lupus have mild symptoms, it can become quite severe.
For the analysis, Harvard researchers reviewed studies that examined the relationship between cigarette smoking and lupus. Among current smokers, there was "a small but significant increased risk" for the development of lupus, they report. Former smokers did not have this increased risk, according to the study, which appeared in the March issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism.
3) SIDS: Maternal Smoking Doubles Risk
Smoking increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, a European analysis shows.
The researchers compared 745 SIDS cases with more than 2,400 live babies for comparison and concluded that just under half of all deaths were attributable to infants sleeping on their stomachs or sides. Roughly 16% of SIDS deaths were linked to bed sharing, but for unknown reasons, bed sharing was particularly risky when the mother smoked. The risk was very small when mothers did not smoke during pregnancy, the researchers say.
Maternal smoking alone was associated with a doubling in SIDS risk. The risk was 17 times greater, however, for babies who bed shared and had mothers who smoked. The findings are reported in the Jan. 17 issue of The Lancet.
"The safest thing to do is to put the baby to bed on his back with no bedcovers in the same room with parents who don't smoke," London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine epidemiologist Robert G. Carpenter, PhD, says.
4) Colic: Smoking Makes Babies Irritable, Too
Exposure to tobacco smoke may increase babies' risk of colic, according to a review of more than 30 studies on the topic.
Colic often starts a few weeks after birth, peaking at about 5 to 8 weeks of age. It usually goes away by 4 months of age. Babies' symptoms include irritability, inconsolable crying, red face, clenched fists, drawn-up legs, and screaming.
Colic affects an estimated 5%-28% of babies born in Western countries. Its causes have been attributed to everything from exposure to cow's milk proteins to feeding difficulties to maternal depression or anxiety.
Tobacco smoke appears to raise levels of a gut hormone called motilin in the blood and intestines. Motilin increases the contractions of the stomach and intestines, increasing the movement of food through the gut. "Higher-than-average motilin levels are linked to elevated risks of infantile colic," the researchers write in the October issue of the journal Pediatrics.
5) An Increased Risk of Impotence
Guys concerned about their performance in the bedroom should stop lighting up, suggests a study that linked smoking to a man's ability to get an erection. The study of nearly 5,000 Chinese men showed that men who smoked more than a pack a day were 60% more likely to suffer erectile dysfunction, compared with men who never smoked cigarettes.
Overall, 15% of past and present smokers had experienced erectile dysfunction, more commonly known as impotence. Among men who had never smoked, 12% had erection problems, according to the study, presented last year at the American Heart Association's annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention in Miami.
6) Blindness: Smoking Raises Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Smokers are four times more likely to become blind because of age-related macular degeneration than those who have never smoked. But quitting can lower that risk, other research shows.
Age-related macular degeneration is a severe and progressive condition that results in loss of central vision. It results in blindness because of the inability to use the part of the retina that allows for 'straight-ahead' activities such as reading, sewing, and even driving a vehicle. While all the risk factors are not fully understood, research has pointed to smoking as one major and modifiable cause.
"More than a quarter of all cases of age-related macular degeneration with blindness or visual impairment are attributable to current or past exposure to smoking," Simon P. Kelly, MD, an ophthalmic surgeon with Bolton Hospitals in the UK, wrote in the March 4, 2004 issue of the BMJ. He came to his conclusion after reviewing three studies involving 12,470 patients.
But other studies show that former smokers have an only slightly increased risk of age-related macular degeneration, compared with never smokers, he writes.
7) Rheumatoid Arthritis: Genetically Vulnerable Smokers Increase Their Risk Even More
People whose genes make them more susceptible to developing rheumatoid arthritis are even more likely to get the disease if they smoke, say Swedish researchers.
In fact, certain genetically vulnerable smokers can be nearly 16 times more likely to develop the disease than nonsmokers without the same genetic profile, according to the study in the October issue of the Journal Arthritis & Rheumatism.
Swedish researchers asked participants about their smoking habits and screened their blood for a gene-encoding protein sequence called the shared epitope (SE), which is the major genetic risk factor currently linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Compared with people who had never smoked and lacked SE genes, current smokers with SE genes were 7.5 times more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis.
Smokers with double SE genes were almost 16 times more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis, while smokers without SE genes were only 2.4 times more likely to be affected.
8) Snoring: Even Living With a Smoker Raises Risk
Smoking - or living with a smoker -- can cause snoring, according to a study of more than 15,000 men and women.
Habitual snoring, defined as loud and disturbing snoring at least three nights per week, affected 24% of smokers, 20% of ex-smokers, and almost 14% of people who had never smoked. The more people smoked, the more frequently they snored, the researchers reported in the October issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Even nonsmokers were more likely to snore if they were exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes. Almost 20% of these nonsmokers snored, compared with nearly 13% who had never been exposed to secondhand smoke at home.
9) Acid Reflux: Heavy Smoking Linked to Heartburn
People who smoke for more than 20 years are 70% more likely to have acid reflux disease than nonsmokers, researchers reported in the November issue of the journal Gut.
Roughly one in five people suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, known medically as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.
The researchers based their findings on two major public health surveys conducted in Norway in the 1980s and 1990s. Just more than 3,100 people who complained of having heartburn and 40,000 people without reflux symptoms answered questions about lifestyle factors including diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use.
10) Breast Cancer: Active Smoking Plays Bigger Role Than Thought
Other research out in 2004 shows that active smoking may play a much larger role in increasing breast cancer risk than previously thought.
In the study, published in the Jan. 7 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers looked at breast cancer risk among 116,544 women in the California Teachers Study who reported their smoking status. Between 1996 and 2000, 2,000 of the women developed breast cancer.
The prevalence of breast cancer among current smokers was 30% higher than the women who had never smoked -- regardless of whether the nonsmokers had been exposed to secondhand or passive smoke.
Those at greatest risk: Women who started smoking before age 20, who began smoking at least five years before their first full-term pregnancy, and who had smoked for longer periods of time or smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day.
So get going and check out the resources for quitting this destructive cycle.
And There's More...
If those top 10 reasons weren't enough to motivate you to quit smoking, keep this in mind:
* Smoking is linked to certain colon cancers.
* Smoking may increase the risk of depression in young people,
* Some studies have linked smoking to thyroid disease.
Published Dec. 20, 2004.
SOURCES: Costenbader, K. Arthritis & Rheumatism, March 2004; vol 50: pp 849-857. Shenassa, E. Pediatrics, October 2004; vol 114: pp e497-e505. News release, American Academy of Pediatrics. Henley, S. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, June 2, 2004; vol 96: pp 853-861. News release, Journal of the National Cancer Institute. News release, American Cancer Society. Padyukov, L. Arthritis & Rheumatism, October 2004; vol 50: pp 3085-3092. WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise: "Rheumatoid Arthritis: Overview." News release, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kelly, S. BMl, March 6, 2004; vol 328: pp 337-338. Franklin, K. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, October 2004; vol 170: pp 799-803. News release, American Thoracic Society. Ott, A. Neurology, March 23, 2004; vol 62: pp 920-924. News release, American Heart Association. Abstract presented at AHA conference. March 2003. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Nov. 15, 2000; vol 92: pp 1787. Goodman, E. Pediatrics, October 2000; vol 106: pp 748-755. Brix, T. Arch Intern Med. 2000; vol 160: pp 661-666.
Contact Azlan Adnan 012-383 1324 to find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones with tax-favoured Medical and Critical Illness insurance products.
Copyright 2003-2005 WebMD Legal Notice
Thursday, January 20, 2005
African Scam ~ Yaya Momodu
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 15:42:27 +0000
The Holy Crescent Mosque,
40/42 Ago Palace Way,
Okota - Isolo,
Lagos - Nigeria.
It is my pleasure to write and inform you of a transaction involving the
transfer of US $20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million US Dollars) only into a foreign
account for safekeeping pending my arrival to your country for the sharing with
you as the account owner into which the money is remitted.
I am an accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),
Lagos and this money originated from an over-invoiced contract executed for the
corporation some years back. A foreign firm has long completed this contract and
the contractor duly paid. I now seek if you would permit the surplus to be
remitted into your account.
As a matter of fact, I am a top government official and I cannot come out openly
to claim this amount. This is why I am looking for a competent and honest
company or individual abroad whose documents will be tendered here in Nigeria
as one of the contractors that executed the project.
However, I would wish to receive your personal assurance that you would not sit
on the money when it goes into your account. More importantly, you keep
confidential this transaction, in order not to tarnish the confidence repose in
the officials involved in this transaction.
To effect this transfer, I therefore request the following: YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER,
So far, after due consultations, you were strongly and reliably recommended to
me although we have not met or entered into any kind of contract with you
before as to know the extent of your honesty, but based on the recommendation,
I personally want to believe that you are honest enough and would not sit on
the money if finally got into your account. It is on this note that I consider
it proper to write you asking for your permission and support to transfer this
amount into your account.
You should not fear any risk because we have concluded arrangement to safe guard
you in the transaction. This business is 100% risk free. Hence it requires high
level of confidence and secrecy. Meanwhile, this is the breakdown of the
sharing modalities:
Be informed that on completion of this business I will use part of my money to
invest in your country under your care. Please note that the transfer operation
will take ten to twelve working days to be completed. Please contact me by the
above fax, telephone or e-mail.
My deepest prayers for you.
Mr.Yaya Momodu
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
It's okay if we don't hit it off...
before meeting the right one
so that when we finally meet the right person,
we will know how to be grateful for that gift.
~ with many thanks to Oksana Skriabikova for these meaningful words.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Would TNB now accept responsibility? Who would be held accountable? Would he do the decent thing and resign? Or, at least, offer to resign?
No need to cry in public like that chap who headed the Commonwealth Games fiasco. No need for dramatics or hysterics.
The message the rakyat is sending you is resounding loud and clear:
If you can't get the job done, please make way for someone who will. Its our responsibility to help the right man do the job or get out of his way.
No ifs, no buts, just do it!
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Apartments for Rent
I have two unfurnished 3-bedroom apartments for rent in Sepang, right next to the Salak Tinggi ERL Station (the KLIA Transit stops there). The monthly rental is RM438.00 (rent discount available). The postal addresses are:
Unit B-3-6, 3rd Floor (corner unit)
Block B, Villa Impian Apartment
Persiaran Warisan
Kota Warisan
43900 SEPANG
Unit A-3-8, 3rd Floor (end unit)
Block B, Prima Apartment
Persiaran Warisan
Kota Warisan
43900 SEPANG
The Kota Warisan township is 5 minutes' drive from KLIA, Putrajaya/Cyberjaya and Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi. I'll throw in free household contents insurance (RM12,000 coverage) against fire, burglary, lightning and the usual perils.
Suitable for aircrew, MASkargo, Pos Malaysia, Pan Pacific Hotel & MAB staff as well as people working in Putrajaya/Cyberjaya. The ERL fare to Putrajaya/Cyberjaya ERL Station is only RM3.00 one-way and to KLIA is only RM3.20.
As a landlord, I prefer a single lady tenant or a young couple without children. I'm not that keen on renting to students, families or foreign workers.
The apartments are bright and breezy and really quite adorable. There are security guards and only tenants' vehicles are allowed in the Apartment Complex (visitors have to park outside and sign in). The common areas are well-maintained and beautifully
landscaped. The Villa Impian apartment complex is on a low hill and it's very airy and breezy. The Prima apartment is an end unit that overlooks the Security Guardhouse.
There are lots of shoplots nearby with a mini-market and the ubiquitous 24-hour kedai mamak. There's also a driving range within walking distance and the Nilai golf course is just a few minutes' drive away.
If anybody wants it fully- or semi-furnished, I could accommodate that, too. Just have to adjust the rent a bit lah...
If you know of anyone who is my target market, do pass the info along and I can arrange a viewing as soon as practicable.
warm regards
Azlan Adnan
012-383 1324
Copyright 2003-2005 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Saturday, January 15, 2005
World Bank Essay Competition
The World Bank is launching an Essay Competition on January 12 and we would be delighted if you could disseminate information on this project on your blog.
WHY this Essay Competition and WHAT IS ALL ABOUT?
In many of the world's current crises e.g. armed conflict, HIV/AIDS, unemployment, financial instability- young people are on the front line and are the main victims. To learn what the lack of a secure future really means to young people, to understand how they deal with this challenge in their daily lives, and enlist their help in finding solutions, the World Bank is holding a World Essay Competition for students and young people.
The competition will be launched in January 12, 2005.
The topic of the essay competition for young people between 18 and 25 years old is:
"Building a Secure Future: Seeking Practical Solutions
What are the biggest obstacles you face in your daily life?
What practical solutions would you propose to build a secure future for yourself and others?"
Entrants will be specifically requested to avoid general statements, but rather discuss specific experiences and propose concrete solutions. Young people from 18 and 25 years old, are requested to write a max 10-page essay presenting how they cope with the daily challenges.
Prizes include a money prize of US$5,000 and prizes of US$1,000.
Evaluation criteria will include: quality of proposals, structure and coherence of the arguments, originality/creativity, use of sources and evidence.
At this time, we can accept essays in English, French and Spanish.
The competition is entirely web-based. Please visit for more information.
Deadline for Submissions: April 15, 2005
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.
Best regards,
The World Bank
External Affairs European Vice Presidency
Tel: 33 1 40 69 30 36
Mobile: 33 6 03 43 29 67
Friday, January 14, 2005
CASHFLOW 101 Board Game:
Date: Friday, January 14
Time: 7.45 pm
Venue: 21 Jalan Setiabistari
off Jalan Beringin
Damansara Heights
If you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad or Cashflow Quadrant and would like to meet other Robert Kiyosaki followers who are putting theory into practice, do come along with your friends. Please SMS me on 012-383 1324 with the number of friends or colleagues you are bringing so that I know how many people to expect.
Directions how to get there:
Go up Jalan JOHAR at Bukit Damansara. Drive past the ESSO station (on your left). At the traffic lights, turn left into Jalan BERINGIN. The first turning on the left is Jalan SETIABISTARI. Number 21 is about 120 metres on the right side of the road.
If you coming by public transport, the nearest KTM station is KL Central. Then take a taxi (RM8). If you are coming by PUTRA LRT, the nearest station is Bangsar. Then take a taxi (less than RM5) or a bus (RapidKL, formerly known as Putraline) and get off at Jalan Johar. Then take a taxi or walk to Jalan Setiabistari via Jalan Beringin.
Building a Pipeline to Wealth
By Robert Kiyosaki
Each of us resides in at least one of the four quadrants of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. Where we are is determined by where our main source of income comes from. Many of us rely on paychecks and are therefore employees, while others are self-employed. Employees and self-employed individuals reside on the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. The right side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant is for individuals who receive their cash from businesses or investments they own.
My rich dad told me a simple story when I was 12 years old that has guided me to great wealth and financial freedom. It was Rich Dad's way of explaining the difference between the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant, the 'E' and 'S' quadrants, from the right side of the 'B' and 'I' quadrants. It goes: "Once upon a time there was this quaint little village. It was a great place to live except for one problem. The village had no water unless it rained. To solve this problem once and for all, the village elders decided to put out to bid the contract to have water delivered to the village on a daily basis. Two people volunteered to take on the task and the elders awarded the contract to both of them. They felt that a little competition would keep prices low and ensure a back-up supply of water.
Self Employed Thinking
The first of the two people who won the contract, Ed, immediately ran out, bought two galvanized steel buckets and began running back and forth along the trail to the lake which was a mile away. He immediately began making money as he labored morning to dusk hauling water from the lake with his two buckets. He would empty them into the large concrete holding tank the village had built. Each morning he had to get up before the rest of the village awoke to make sure there was enough water for the village when it wanted it. It was hard work, but he was very happy to be making money and for having one of the two exclusive contracts for this business.
Business Owner Thinking
The second winning contractor, Bill, disappeared for a while. He was not seen for months, which made Ed very happy since he had no competition. Ed was making all the money.
Instead of buying two buckets to compete with Ed, Bill had written a business plan, created a corporation, found four investors, employed a president to do the work and returned six months later with a construction crew. Within a year, his team had built a large volume stainless steel pipeline that connected the village to the lake. At the grand opening celebration, Bill announced that his water was cleaner than Ed's water. Bill knew that there had been complaints about dirt in Ed's water. Bill also announced that he could supply the village with water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ed could only deliver water on the weekdays & he did not work on weekends. Then Bill announced that he would charge 75% less than Ed did for this higher quality and more reliable source of water. The village cheered and ran immediately for the faucet at the end of Bill's pipeline. In order to compete, Ed immediately lowered his rates by 75%, bought two more buckets, added covers to his buckets and began hauling four buckets each trip. In order to provide better service, he hired his two sons to give him a hand for the night shift and on weekends. When his boys went off to college, he said to them, "Hurry back because someday this business will belong to you." For some reason, after college, his two sons never returned. Eventually, Ed had employees and union problems. The union was demanding higher wages, better benefits and wanted its members to only haul one bucket at a time. Bill, on the other hand, realized that if this village needed water then other villages must need water too. He rewrote his business plan and went off to sell his high speed, high volume, low cost and clean water delivery system to villages throughout the world. He only makes a penny per bucket of water delivered, but he delivers billions of buckets of water, and all that money pours into his bank account. Bill had developed a pipeline to deliver money to himself as well as water to the villages. Bill lived happily ever after. Ed worked hard for the rest of his life and had financial problems forever after. The end." That story about Bill and Ed has guided me for years. It has assisted me in my life's decision-making process. I often ask myself, "Am I building a pipeline or hauling buckets?" "Am I working hard or am I working smart?"
And the answers to those questions have made me financially free. The CASHFLOW Quadrant is about the four different types of people who make up the world of business, who they are and what makes individuals in each quadrant unique. It will help you define where you are in the Quadrant today and help you chart a course for where you want to be in the future as you choose your own path to financial freedom. While financial freedom can be found in all four of the quadrants, the skills of a 'B' or 'I' will help you reach your financial goals more quickly. A successful 'E' should also become a successful 'I'.
Copyright 2003-2004 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
NLP in 21 Days
will be on Friday, January 14
from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
at Training Room 2, Level 6, Menara AIA
99 Jalan Ampang
Nearest PUTRA LRT and STAR LRT station is Masjid Jamek.
Azlan Adnan (012-383 1324)
Kaynis Chong (019-329 0288)
Written for beginners and more advanced NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) students, this text divides the training syllabus into 21 topics, each explained step by step. It includes descriptions of concepts such as reframing, rapport, anchoring, modelling and timelines.
This is the book we're using as our manual for our NLP Mastermind Class which meets every 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm in Training Room 2 on Level 6, Menara AIA, 99 Jalan Ampang, KL. Menara AIA is equidistant from Dangi Wang and Masjid Jamek LRT stations and less than five minutes' walk from either.
Just a quick note to inform all participants of the NLP Mastermind Class that there will not be a class on December 24 due to Christmas Eve. The next NLP Mastermind Class will be on Friday, January 14. Same venue as usual. There is no charge for the NLP Mastermind Class except for the cost of photocopying of handouts (if any).
The "NLP in 21 Days" book costs RM35. You can only buy the book at this price when you attend the NLP Mastermind Class as we want to give priority to those who attend the NLP Mastermind Class. As such, we do NOT post them to you and we do NOT accept any payment into our bank account for it. We don't run a bookstore, we just want to make things convenient for those who are actually attending the NLP Mastermind Class by getting the books for them at the special price. This book retails for RM75 at MPH and from US$13.95 at You can check it out and read the book reviews at by clicking here or on the book cover, above. Copies of the book will be available at the NLP Mastermind Class at RM35.00 on a strictly first-come, first-served Cash On Delivery (COD) basis.
Please feel free to call Kaynis or myself if you need any clarification.
Azlan Adnan (012-383 1324)
& Kaynis Chong (019-329 0288)
Copyright 2003-2004 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice
Career Opportunities
as an Insurance Agent
The function of an insurance agent is to act on behalf of an insurance company to acquire insurance business from the customers or prospective customers of the insurance company (insurer). Unlike the insurance broker who represents the buyer of insurance, insurance agents represent the insurance company, essentially to sell insurance policies.
Insurance agents can act on behalf of not more than two general insurance companies and one life insurance company at a time. To be a general insurance agent, one must sit for and pass the Pre-Contract Examination for Insurance Agents (PCEIA) , Part A & Part B, and to be a life insurance agent, one must pass Part A & Part C of the PCEIA. The examination is conducted by The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII). The PCEIA assures that any person who becomes an insurance agent has the necessary basic knowledge to promote and sell insurance to the general public on behalf of the insurance company which they represent.
After passing these examinations, the general agent will have to register himself/herself with the Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM), and the life agent with Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) before he can transact any insurance business. Upon registration by PIAM, general insurance agents are required to comply with a set of rules known as the General Insurance Agents Registration Regulations (GIARR) and a code of ethics for general insurance agents.
An insurance agency can be operated either on a part-time, spare-time, free-time basis or full-time. In today's increasingly sophisticated environment, more and more insurance agents have become professional consultants and full-service financial planners who operate their agency business on a full-time basis. This enables them to concentrate on the business and to provide the best possible service to their clients.
Traditionally, insurance agents are not salaried but are paid by the insurance companies they work for by way of commissions on sales. However, a number of banking groups now own insurance companies which use salaried staff to sell their insurance products.
Life insurance agents get the opportunity to earn passive income as they earn commissions and various bonuses for a number of years after a life insurance policy is sold. If you'd like to find out what opportunities a career in Life Insurance can offer you, do attend the next Life Insurance...
on Friday, January 14 2005
from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
at Level 6, Menara AIA
99 Jalan Ampang
Nearest PUTRA LRT and STAR LRT station is Masjid Jamek.
Azlan Adnan
012-383 1324
Thursday, January 13, 2005
money . success . freedom
Jan 2005 Issue #29
Welcome to the latest issue of
1. Feature Article
2. Quote of the Month
3. Your Question Answered
4. Special Offers
5. New Books by Azizi Ali
6. Disclaimers
1. FEATURE ARTICLE: Property Jumbo Answers (Session 3)
Since it proved to be a hot thing, I'm answering more
property investment related questions this month.
As usual, the questions are presented the way they came in
- broken English, wrong grammar and all.
Q1: I have benefited a lot from your books. The recent one I
read was "How to Become a Millionaire Landlord". Great stuff
and I was really inspired and get off to the field to find
suitable properties.
I have some liquid money that can be invested into a few of
these types of properties. Also, I am really excited to
read your chapter 18 with respect to tax. In chapter 18,
you mentioned about Section 4A of the Income Tax Act 1967 ร¢ร€ร“
i.e. treating the rental income as a source of business
income, and therefore can deduct any loss (or claim capital
allowance) from my other income sources. Do these other
income sources include salary income.
A1: It used to be. Sadly, the IRB came up with a ruling
recently that rental income qualifying as a business income
is only applicable for business (Bhd or Sdn Bhd), and not
to individuals anymore.
Still, I'd like to make the point of investing to make money.
Never plan to purposely lose money on your investments just
so you can deduct the loss ร¢ร€ร“ it's a bad idea.
Always invest to make money. Anything else, including the
tax deductions and breaks are just bonuses. Make the money
Q2: After reading your most recent ezine's feature
section, I have a question for you. You mentioned if the
property that we buy is generating negative cash flow, it is
best to sell off the property. Are you recommending only to
buy property that generates positive cash flow, and not to
buy property for its capital appreciation?
A2: In an ideal world, all our properties should generate
positive cash flow. Firstly, that's how people build wealth.
However, if you can afford the negative cash flow (which can
and may last for years), of course you can invest purely for
capital gains. But obviously you cannot buy too many such
properties, can you? This is why I invest only in
positive cashflow properties. Having one negative cash flow
property (the house that I'm staying in) is plenty.
Q3: I've read most of your e-zines and your articles in
Personal Money column are simply fantastic! And your
books and property seminar which I had the honor to attend
last year was simply amazing. Keep it up!
I would like to ask you a question on renting out a house.
Recently, there is an international company that wants
to rent out my second house. I've just received the CF for
it. The house cost me somewhere in the region of RM250,000
(I bought it with cash). The company offered me a monthly
rental of RM2800 for a fully furnished unit. Assuming I
would put in another RM20,000 in the house, I would have a
gross yield of 12.44% for one year, right?
Another thing is, should be any different in the tenancy
agreement between renting out to individuals vs. renting out
to a company?
A3: 1.Yes, you should certainly rent the house to them.
A 12.44% gross yield is excellent. (For the benefits of our
readers, yield is calculated by dividing the rental over the
price. In this case it's RM 33,600 / [RM 250,000 + RM 20,000]
= 12.44 %.)
2. Normally, there is no difference in the tenancy
agreement. However, the company may want to add additional
clauses (with your permission, of course).
3. Is this international company looking to rent
other properties as well? Ask them to call me!
Q4:I am now 30 years old and working with one of the
commercial banks in Malaysia. As at now I have no saving
from my monthly salary and sometimes it is deficit. This is
because the sum is just enough to pay my debt such as
housing loan, car loan, personal financing and etc. My wife
had bought a house at Serendah, Selangor and we planned to
move there since the prospect to rent the house there is
very low and rent our existing house at Cheras to get
additional income.
My question is which is more profitable to invest whether
I sell my house at Cheras and get the money in bulk or
collect a monthly rental or maybe you have your best opinion
to share.
A4: 1. Move to Serendah
2. Sell the house in Cheras
3. Pay off your debts
4. Stop taking more debts
5. Start saving
6. Build a new happier life
Q5: I have been tried everything how to make money but until
today my way never success. What is your suggestion because
I only earn RM1,000 a month? Do you have any idea to solve my
problem? Please help me regarding this matter. Thank you.
A5: If I tell you to read my books, would you accuse me
of trying to sell you something? If the answer is yes, then
my guess is that you will remain where you are.
If the answer is no, and you are serious about climbing out
of your pot hole, then get the books now!
Q6: I've read your book "Millionaire are from a Different
Planet" and I got to say that book really quizzed my nerves
and made me come back to the real world. Thanks to you.
Only now I realize how ignorant I was with my financial
planning. But then again better late than never, right?
Ok, my problem is, for my age, I'm earning an ok salary plus
part time income. But still end of the month, I'm broke.
After reading your book, I realized my bad debts (car loan)
are outrageously high - close to 40% of my take home salary.
Thus I decided to push off my 2 years old car and resort to
a much cheaper one. Do you think this is too drastic a move
or is it the right move towards financial nirvana?
If this is the right move, my next question is: currently
I'm paying RM800 monthly for car from my take home salary
of RM2,800 (exclude my part time income). What would be
right figure I shall spent on car loan monthly?
Thanks a lot.
A6: The less you pay for your car loan, the better.
Ideally, it should be less than 17% of your take home pay.
In your case, your car loan should be RM476 or less. In
other words, you have bought a car that is too expensive
for you.
No problem though. Learn the lesson and don't make
the same mistake again when buying the next car.
"Money isn't everythingร¢ร€ร¦ but it ranks right
up there with oxygen."
* Rita Davenport *
Q: I trust you in a good health. I have recently read your
book on being a millionaire landlord. I have 5 mortgage free
houses that yield me income of RM48,000 per year. It was
interesting to read that I could claim for capital allowance
as my rental is considered a business income. How do I
calculate the capital allowance? The funny thing is my
accountant has no idea what I was talking about when I
raised the subject with her. I know it is better to mortgage
the properties and reduce my tax liabilities but as you said
in your bookร¢ร€ร¦ I sleep well at night not worrying about being
up to my neck in debt.
The crux of my questionร¢ร€ร¦ what is capital allowance for
properties all aboutร¢ร€ร¦ please shed some light to illuminate
the dark tunnel of my ignorance.
A: First, find a new accountant who is more knowledgeable.
Next, read the article "A brief explanation on Capital
Allowance" on my web-site. Your problems are solved!
Read "The Millionaire Mind" by Thomas J. Stanley
4. SPECIAL OFFERS: Property Seminar
Start 2005 with a bang and register for the *number 1*
property seminar in Malaysia!
Date: Sat 5th Feb 2005
Time: 9 am - 6 pm
Venue: Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya
Click here to find out how you can benefit from the real
estate revolution.
PS: Each pax will receive a complimentary copy of Azizi's
latest best seller "How to Become a Property Millionaire".
"I admire Azizi's drive and ingenuity. I must say that some
of his ideas and methods are ground breaking...those looking
to better manage their finances and earn more shall gain
considerable knowledge by reading the thoughts and
experiences of Azizi."
YAB Tun Daim Zainuddin
former Finance Minister, Malaysia
That is the comment given by the former Finance Minister of
Malaysia about Azizi's latest book "mXe! five keys to become
an Extreme Millionaire".
As the title suggests, this book is about how you can get to
be a millionaire as quickly as possible while doing the
things that you love.
If you have benefited from Azizi's previous books, then you
will no doubt love this latest offering. You will find gems
inside this book, which include Azizi's own secret of
success and formula of living life.
This book is due to be published in Feb 2005. However, you
can place your order now and be the first to get this storm.
For more details, please click on:
PS. Win a chance of winning a FREE seat at Azizi's property
Seminar in Feb (worth RM580)! All you have to do is order
mXe! before 31st Jan 05, and complete a slogan. There are
two runner up prizes which is Azizi's Full Powerpack (worth
RM149 each).
This e-zine is for educational purposes only. The author and
publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any
liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is
incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the
use and application of any of the contents of this e-zine.
So that's it, folks. The latest FREE issue of the
"MILLIONAIRESPLANET EZINE". I trust that you've picked up
some useful stuff that can help you become a Grand Master
of Money.
So tell your mom, tell your dad, tell your girlfriends and
your boyfriends too, and ask them to join the party!
Until the next issue, keep your eyes on the money and
here's to the next million!
Copyright 2005 Azizi Ali
All rights reserved
Azizi Ali
*Millionaires Coach*
True Wealth Sdn Bhd
tel: 03-7880 1051
fax: 03-7880 8051
Don't you think I get the weirdest proposals?
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 07:13:59 -0500 (EST)
From: "mariam mohamed"
Subject: Allah Bless you
My dear one
Good a thing to write you. I have a proposal for
you-this however is not mandatory nor will I in
any manner compel you to honour against your will.
I am Mariam umarh ,21years old and the only daughter of my
late parents Mr.and Mrs..mohamed My father was a highly
reputable busnness magnet-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in
the capital of Ivory coast during his days.
It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France
during one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Febuary
2000.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected
to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled
with him at that time.
But Allah knows the truth!
My mother died when I was just 4 years old,and since then
my father took me so special. Before his death
on Febuary 12 2000 he called the secretary who accompanied
him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of
three million,United State
Dollars.(USD$3000 000) left in one
of the private security and trust company
He further told his lawyer that he deposited the money in my
name,and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer
whom he said is in possession of all the necessary but
legal documents to this consignment and the company.
I am just 21 years old and a university undergraduate and
really don't know what to do.Now I want an a partner overseas
where I can transfer this funds. This is because I have
suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant
political crisis here in Ivory coast.The death of my father
actually brought sorrow to my life.
Sir,I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in
this regards.Your suggestions and ideas will be highly
Now permit me to ask these few questions:-
1. Can you honestly help me as your daughter?
2. Can I completely trust you?
3. What percentage of the total amount in question will
be good for you after the money is in your account?
Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as
Thank you so much.
My sincere regards,
Mariam mohamed
Monday, January 10, 2005
Maximizing a Property's Potential
Means Profits
Rich Dad’s Advisor, Real Estate Investor, Property Management Expert
and author of The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing

I love that kind of thinking and I am not about to get into a battle with someone that is convinced that they will not succeed. If everyone looked at real estate like I do, then I would have significantly more competition and I would end up paying more for my properties.
What is true is that cities are cyclical in nature, usually based on the population and employment trends in that area. Your job is to determine where your town is in the economic cycle.
Yet, in these same cities, investors are making millions right under everyone’s nose. One way to view the progress in cities is to just count the number of cranes constructing the tall buildings. Tall, new buildings equal jobs. In Las Vegas, these tall buildings are casinos. In New York, these buildings are office, multifamily and retail. The point is the same: a real estate investor decided to get a loan and build a building. I am certain the bank and the developer would not have constructed the building or secured the loan without first making sure that it was a sound real estate investment.
I am not suggesting that you go out and develop a large property. I am simply telling you to look at the signs around you. If you pay attention to them your investment will become much more profitable. In my book, The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, I go into much more detail about my view on how to identify a market.
The market is more important than the property
Let’s face it, what good is an investment property if you cannot find someone to occupy it? This is pretty simple, but I find investors everywhere that gravitate to a “great deal” only to find that the reason it was so cheap is that the previous owners could not fill the vacancy. Lack of income is the number one reason real estate investments fail.
I would rather have a terrible property in a great location in a market that is improving than a beautiful new property in an economically depressed area. I am less concerned about how my property looks than in how much it cash flows.
Once we identify a market, we immediately set up our network in the area to start generating information and deals. We are very specific on our needs. You will almost never find great real estate deals as they are presented to you. The secret to a good deal is in what you plan to do with the deal. What can you do differently to create more cash flow and increase the value?
We look for poorly managed properties that are creating a cash flow drain for the current owners and we improve the operations once we buy them. This is a very simple concept. In other words, we look for properties that have the potential to perform much better under new ownership. I have a team set up to do this and you can, too.
We recently found a property located in Phoenix that was seriously underperforming. The property was self-managed by an individual that lived in Mexico. He is a very wealthy man and clearly did not have time to dedicate to the management. The property had been operating at 68% occupancy for two years and he was writing checks to cover the losses. The expenses were high and the revenue was low a lethal combination for this owner.
In less than one day (simply by just driving around and calling the competition in the area), I knew that the rents were low compared to the market and the vacancy in the area was about 7%. This property’s vacancy rate was over 30%.
We bought the property and quickly filled the vacant units and reduced the operating expenses through good sound management. In less than six months, we have increased the value of the property an additional million dollars. Everyone is happy with the results: our investors because the cash flow has increased and the residents who live at the property because it has become a much better place to live.