Monday, September 20, 2004

Patience has its Rewards!

never a dull moment!
The Absolutely Hilarious, Fabulously Wonderful Guy!

September 20, 2004

One thing follows another. You know the drill, although you may have questions about the current process. Stay the course no matter how rough the ride. Instead of calling this a race, your objective should be arranging it so that everybody wins. Avoid possible distractions and false impressions from spectators -- much of it is just background noise. Cope with this instead of making it go away. If you need quiet time now, you're out of luck.

If you're patient, you'll find some peace later.

~~~ (",) ~~~

September 20, 2004

Nudge an ongoing project a little closer to completion. With the end in sight at last, it would be a shame to stop now. You feel good about yourself in many areas of your life. You're not afraid to announce yourself to the world at large. Whether through language skills or calculated movements, you're unusually expressive when it comes to getting your point across. Your partner is willing to give in on certain issues that have been a sore point between you. Understand that this is about equality, not victory.

Everything you do is destined to bring you closer together.

Copyright 2003-2004 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice

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