Saturday, September 04, 2004

Solar Return Birthday Report

Birth Data for Azlan Adnan:
Birth Date and Time..... September 5, 1958 10:36 PM
Birth Location............. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sun Sign.................... Virgo

Sun Aspects Mars

Mars symbolizes the energy necessary for successful accomplishments. When Mars aspects the Sun, it is a good time to work on a project that requires a great deal of energy to complete. Success can come in the form of personal or professional achievement, or with defense.

Relationships tend to be competitive, and you need to balance self-centered drives with the needs of others. Learning to deal with aggression, conflict, and anger in an effective rather than detrimental way can enable the individual to handle negative situations positively. Less spiritual themes involve destructive or self-destructive urges. Prolonged anger creates blockages which waste energy in a cycle of negative emotions that have no real purpose or goal.

It is better to direct efforts into positive endeavours.

September 05, 2004

Wake up and smell the coffee -- and while you're at it, take a big drink! You've been sitting on the answer to your question without even knowing it. Don't waste a moment -- put it into action. Now your dream assumes a new and exciting shape. Do whatever it takes to get a head start on changing your world.

Daily Couple's Love
September 05, 2004

Something's not quite perfect, but you can make things right if you apply your big brain to the problem. On the other hand, who needs perfection?

Copyright 2003-2004 Azlan Adnan Legal Notice

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