Sunday, November 14, 2004

Road Traffic Safety Tips

Be a Safe Driver, Drive Safely!


Focus on your driving

Drive with a large "anticipation zone." Look down the road far enough to get a big picture of what's ahead.

Keep your radio at a reasonable volume.

Do not drive when under stress.

Don't talk to passengers too much and if need be, ask them to help navigate.

Do not day dream.

Make sure you can see clearly.

Get annual eye check-ups.

Clean the inside and outside of your windshield and windows. Clean the mirrors and headlights, too. Dirt can reduce headlight output by as much as 70 per cent.

Turn on your lights when driving in the rain, no matter what time of day it is. Slow down in rainy weather.

Always turn lights on when driving during the half hour before sunset and the half hour after sunrise.

Do not wear tinted glasses or sunglasses when driving in low light.

Take extra steps to be a cautious driver

Always tell other drivers what you intend to do. Use your directional signals. Position your car in the proper lane. When necessary, use your horn to show your intentions.

Check your mirrors frequently.

Glance over your shoulder, and in your mirrors, before changing lanes. Do not assume that only using turn signals will make the move safe.

Always look behind before putting the car in reverse.

Watch for flashing lights from emergency vehicles, as you may no always hear the siren.

Adjust the headrest so that the top of the headrest is aligned with the top of the driver's head. This prevents incidence of whiplash in event of collision.

Copyright 2001-2004, Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia

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