Monday, November 08, 2004

What's Your Best Quality?

Azlan, Your Best Quality Shines Through
in How Creative You Are

The fact that you're an inventive and creative person who usually has an abundance of imagination and ideas really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are. You are a person with a strong will who is typically determined to follow through on difficult demands and meet important goals, too.

Here are eight qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 8 qualities.

We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare ~ only 1 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.

Azlan, your top quality is Creativity. Combined with your second- and third-ranked qualities, Intelligence and Determination, you have a very unique set of characteristics you can use to your advantage.

Only 0.11 percent of all people share these three top qualities. While these are your top three qualities, all 8 or your core qualities contribute to who you are and how you go through life. Find out more about how you can use this report to promote yourself better at work, in relationships, and in love.

To start, take a look at your comprehensive Best Qualities Profile.

Quality #1: Creativity
Quality Description
Being high in creativity indicates a high level of imagination and innovation and usually is associated with a very unique personality. In addition, individuals who score highly on this dimension are normally quite intelligent. The stereotype of the highly creative person is one who is intense and passionate. Tickle's research generally backed up this preconception, finding that creativity does indeed tend to coexist with a passionate nature.

Your Score
You received a score of 100 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that you are relatively more creative than most.

Quality #2: Intelligence
Quality Description
People scoring high in intelligence are more likely to be unique. Higher intelligence offers greater possibilities in terms of how someone is likely to interpret the world. In addition, intelligent people are typically more able to articulate themselves well and to have high integrity.

Your Score
You received a score of 100 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that compared with other people who took Tickle's test, you have relatively higher intelligence.

Quality #3: Determination
Quality Description
Scoring highly on this quality indicates a strong ambition in life รข€” the kind of drive that makes a person determined to reach the goals they set for themselves. People high in determination are more likely to make decisions easily and to have a strong sense of themselves. These types are normally slightly independent. They also often look past the superficial side of life, making them more down to earth than many people.

Your Score
You received a score of 98 out of 100 on this dimension. This result indicates that you are relatively more determined than most.

Quality #5: Adventurousness
Quality Description

Scoring highly on this quality indicates that a person is willing to seek out new experiences and may even occasionally go out on a limb to try new things. In this way, adventurous types seem to feel that although change can be risky, or even scary at times, it can also be exhilarating. People high in this quality tend to live by the motto, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Research indicates that adventurous people are generally happier than their less adventurous counterparts. In addition, they tend to have a love for life, feel secure, and be determined to reach their goals.

Your Score
You received a score of 91 out of 100 on this dimension. Your score ranks you as being relatively more adventurous than others who took Tickle's test.

Quality #6: Romanticism
Quality Description

Being high on this quality indicates a tendency to romanticize life and to fully enjoy the romantic aspects of intimate relationships. When a highly romantic person makes a step forward in a relationship, it typically has both significance and flair. High romance is associated with both highly affectionate behavior and a strongly passionate nature. Romantic people are usually thoughtful, compassionate, and sexy. Also, perhaps because of their sometimes-dreamy nature, people high in this quality tend to be optimistic about what life will bring.

Your Score
You received a score of 84 out of 100 on this dimension. Your result indicates that you're relatively more romantic than others who took Tickle's test.

Quality #7: Communication
Quality Description

Being a strong communicator indicates an above-average ability to articulate ideas and feelings. People high in this quality tend to enjoy the act of communicating and can appreciate their own skill at it. Crafting a graceful phrase or telling an engaging tale are the kinds of talents that strong communicators are likely to be known for. Many people high in this quality also love to talk. Perhaps due to all of these skills, being high in this dimension is usually associated with a reasonably high level of confidence, intelligence, and decisiveness.

Your Score
You received a score of 84 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that you are more skilled in the art of communication than the majority of Tickle's test takers.

Quality #8: Independence
Quality Description

Being highly independent means liking to do things on one's own and being naturally self-sufficient. Independent people are as a whole more determined than most and tend to have higher intelligence. However, it is also true that one can be independent without having high determination or intelligence and vice-versa. Another thing most highly independent people have in common is that they can possess a greater sense of integrity than many people around them do.

Your Score
You received a score of 75 out of 100 on this dimension. This indicates that compared with other people who took Tickle's test you have relatively higher level of confidence.

Azlan, you're a Politician!

How You Approach Life
You're forceful, innovative, and popular with the masses. You aggressively pursue your goals, and you enjoy impressing people. You've always been surrounded by friends and loved ones and have a natural sense of showmanship.

You're perfect for any work that requires personal interaction and you never say anything that offends anyone--at least to their face.

You have an unusual ability to read people and situations, which is why it's pretty rare for you to find yourself in compromising positions. You're very up on the social rules that govern your life and you do your best to uphold them.

You are smart and you have a lot to say on a lot of issues. In order to do that, you often find yourself in the middle of the room, educating people about the important matters of the day. And even when you don't have that much to say, people are attracted to your magnetic personality, wit and humor. They just can't help it when you're so charismatic.

You are extraordinarily driven by success and have cultivated a positive image to help propel you towards further excellence. Your high self-esteem makes a nice match for your desire to look the part. You know that how you look is a strong reflection of who you are on the inside.

At work, you are aggressive in setting and reaching your goals. You are not afraid of asserting yourself or your ideas, and people often look to you as a model of how they wish they could be. You're motivated to do a good job, and people know you're a solid, reliable person who can take the heat. You're perfect for any work that requires personal interaction with your natural sense of showmanship.

So keep at it, Politician. The world is a stronger place because of you.

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