Sunday, October 10, 2004

Seven Extremely Powerful Steps to Get What You Want

Hi Azlan

Thank you for subscribing to my free report. As promised, you can find a sample chapter of my persuasion e-book at:

I know you're excited to start your 7-day journey, so let the fun begin!

Did you know that you have the potential to achieve anything you want? All people have different perceptions of their ideal life. It may mean obtaining financial freedom, attaining over-all good health, having great relationships, or even as simple as owning a new pair of sneakers.

Unfortunately, many also fail to reach their aspirations. What is it that hinders many from getting their heart's deepest desires?

For the next few days, you will embark on a journey to literally help you get what you want. Are you ready for a life-changing experience? Bet you are. First lesson starts now.


You must be specific in your passions, then focus all your efforts on that particular desire.

Some people don't really know what they want. For one moment they're excited over a particular thing or endeavor. The next thing you know they completely abandon it; either because they lose their interest or because they give up when they encounter a little problem.

Those who always change their minds and those who give up easily when the going gets tough will never get anywhere.

Maybe right now you're a bit confused. You don't seem to know what you really want in life. You might want to consider these:

1) What makes your heart beat with excitement?
2) What makes you happy?
3) What are you consistently thinking of day and night?
4) What do you want to do for the rest of my life?
5) What do you enjoy doing?
6) What are your obsessions?
7) What things make you jump with joy?

To help you out, just follow these steps.

1) Write on a piece of paper all your possible answers for the seven questions above. Write anything, even seemingly unimportant ones.
2) Encircle 5 to 7 items that interest you the most.
3) Then evaluate and choose with your heart the one and only thing that is worthy to spend all your time and resources with. The chosen one should really be something that brings out the best in you.

Other than the exercise above, you could also ask your close friends and relatives about their personal dreams. You could also read books and surf the net to help you in your search.

Use your heart. Other people may disagree with you, but you should be firm with what you really want. Others may give comments or advice, but the final decision is always yours to make. You should concentrate on what you want, not on what others want for you.

Don't go sleeping tonight without making a final decision on WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IN LIFE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.

Tomorrow you're going to learn how to stay on track in achieving your dreams. After reading it, you'll be able to keep your focus and resist yourself from the temptations that will stray you away from your desires.

Take care coz I care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

Congratulations! You now know exactly what you want. But this is just the beginning. You have to remember to do everything you can to accomplish it despite the many distractions around you.

Picture this. You want to make it to your basketball team. So you practise everyday after school. You seem to get your shots through. You seem to get a lot of rebounds and assists. You're looking ahead to a great future.

Then one day, one of your favourite programs shows up on TV. So you said you'll practise later. Then the next day, your friends invited you to go barhopping. You decided to practise the next day. Then the excuses go on and on. My goodness! You'll never prevail this way.


First, make your goal specific.

"I want to be rich someday."

This is not a specific goal. How much do you want to have in your bank account? How long will you allow yourself to earn this much money? Your goal does not answer these questions. You're quite blurred for the moment.

"I will earn at least $5,000 every month."

Now this is specific. But maybe we can make it more specific.

"I will earn at least $5,000 every month working 5 hours everyday."

You get the picture. Make it as specific as possible.

Second, make it attainable.

"I will earn $100,000 by the end of the month."

I doubt even some gurus can do that; and for average people like us, this goal is simply impossible unless you win the lottery. That's why it's also important to evaluate how do-able your goals are. If you say $5,000 by month's end, that's more attainable.

Third, you got to break down your goals into smaller digestible parts.

"I will earn at least $75,000 by the end of this year."

Hmm. It's specific and quite attainable. But how will you know if you're advancing or not? A year is too long a period.

Break it down.

Maybe you can set a goal to achieve for the first month. After accomplishing it, then you could go set another goal for the second month. But this time it will be a more challenging goal because you've already gained some experience.

Then after achieving it, set another goal that will pull you closer and closer to your "ultimate goal."

This way, it is more manageable. And you don't have to be overwhelmed by the figure of $100,000 in one year. You may make it $10,000 the first month. Then, $12,000 the next month and so forth.


Tomorrow, you will find out something inside of you that can increase your chances of success tenfold. Applying the techniques will not only be fun, but will certainly be effective in attracting success to you like a magnet.

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

Today you're gonna have some fun. We're going to let your imagination work. Here's my experience.

It's been a long time since I played basketball. But I have a passion for it. Everyday I would think that I am making jumpshots from every angle of the court. Then I would also imagine that I've won the championship, that I'm also the highest scorer in the game. I would really love to play again but I'm too busy with my job and other stuff.

Then the opportunity came when my friends invited me to play. I haven't been practising, but I'm making more accurate shots than those who have been playing everyday.


Well, that's the power of imagination and visualization. If you want to be a lawyer, visualize as one. Act like one. Think of what suit you are wearing, the judge, the case you're handling, the courtroom. Visualize the evidences. Smell the victory. Make everything real.

You should also affirm, believe that you are what you are visualizing. So you want to be a lawyer? Tell yourself, "I'm the best lawyer in the world." Don't say to yourself, "I will be the best lawyer in the world."

Affirm strongly. Say "I am," not "I will," because "I will" suggests something that will occur only in the future. You have to experience it NOW, not in the future.

You must sink into your unconscious your deepest desire. The unconscious mind can do what the conscious mind cannot. Here's an exercise.

1) Get a comfortable and quiet place to rest.
2) Relax your whole body. Command every part of your body to relax starting from your feet up to your head.
3) Count back slowly from 20 to 1, where in each count you relax deeper and deeper. Upon reaching 1, you are completely relaxed.
4) Now affirm your deepest desire. If you want to be a lawyer, say, "I am the greatest lawyer in the world." As you're saying that, picture yourself to be the best lawyer ever, winning every case you've come across. You may say "I am now explaining to the jury my winning proposition" or anything that'll affirm what you're conceiving in your mind as of the moment.
5) Then after about 10 to 20 minutes of continuous confirmation and visualization, count slowly from 1 to 20. Upon counting, slowly be aware of your surroundings. Feel refreshed and invigorated after doing this exercise.
6) Repeat this exercise everyday.

What you have just learned is a very powerful technique to greatly enhance the power of visualization and affirmation by imbedding it into the subconscious. What once is nearly impossible to achieve will become easier to reach from now on.

Tomorrow will be an important day indeed. It will be the backbone to your success, much like an instruction manual. Don't miss it!

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

You often hear the following being said.

"If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail."


The planning phase is very important in organizing your thoughts to carry out the desired effects.

You might say that this is boring stuff, but you should never under-estimate this process. This is like a guideline to steer you
into the right direction.

Your plan will be your road map. Spend enough time to ponder through the different approaches and choose the best one to implement.

It will be best if you choose a quiet place to make your plan. Your mind can focus and think more clearly this way.

Evaluate all the pros and cons. Assess how much time, money, and other resources you have to impart or sacrifice in order to fulfill your desires.

Let your goal guide you to choose the best plan to implement. Let the image of your visualization inspire and motivate you to make a plan that will produce the desired results.

Every individual has his own unique perception of a well-made plan. There are no specific rules in making it. But in case you're in a tight situation, let me give you some tips.

1) Write down your objective. This is a precise definition of your target.
2) Brainstorm the strategies and tactics you will employ to accomplish your objective.
3) Assess the advantages and disadvantages of carrying out those strategies and choose those tactics where the pros outweigh the cons.
4) Set a timeline or deadline in completing your mission.
5) Make modifications and back-up plans in case Plan A doesn't work.
6) As your plan evolves, you will gain experience. Learn from your mistakes.

Hey, to make this more fun, you could imagine being a top secret agent with "an impossible mission." In everything you do, try to mix up some fun and excitement to motivate you further.

Tomorrow, it's butt-kicking time. Time to get off the couch. Time to make some killer moves. Most important part of this 5-day report comes tomorrow.

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

Did I tell you that the most important part of this report comes today?

Yup, it is the core of your success.


Okay, you're probably confused.

Question: What action should you take?
Answer: The type of action that would accomplish the plan you've prepared and the goals you've set. Apply what what you have planned and go to work using your goals and visualization as motivation.

Question: When should you take action?
Answer: Immediately, after you've finished doing the 4 steps you've learned for the last 4 days.

Question: Why should we take action?
Answer: Because it is the most important step of all. It is the application of all the preparations we have made.

Question: Can I act now even if I don't have a perfectly-made plan?
Answer: You should act now! You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect in order to start. You're just going to make excuses after excuses if you prolong the process.

Question: What if my actions don't work?
Answer: Keep on trying, testing, tweaking, and adjusting. Don't be discouraged by failures and mistakes. It's only through these means that you'll come closer and closer to success.

Yes, it may be hard. It may be frustrating. But if you have the passion, the vision, and the goal, you will be inspired and motivated to carry on despite the many setbacks.

Be sure to learn from your failures. Use those mistakes as stepping stones that connect you further and further to achieving success. Progress and apply the ideas that respond to you best.

Again, use your imagination in every way you can. Make your work as fun as can be.

"There are no failures, just lessons to be learned."

Tomorrow I'll tell you a characteristic that is so important to possess, you'll go nowhere without it.

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

Let me tell you a true story.

There was once a young boy who always believed in himself. But he was always belittled by his parents and relatives.

He sometimes had failing grades because of the school's high standards. But he was trying his best. Despite of this, that boy
overheard one day his mom telling her friends how stupid he was.

So he vowed to himself to prove that he's not stupid. That he's got great talents and abilities. So he studied long and hard. He sacrificed his time and effort to prove his worth.

He was able to pass high school with good records and was admitted into one of the best universities in his country.

He went to take the admission exams for the Accountancy Program. He passed that exam where only about 235 out of 700+ students were admitted.

Then it was time for the CPA Board Exams. He knew it was a very difficult task considering the high failure rate. But that boy was ever so determined.

At that time, blackouts occurred frequently. So in spite of the darkness at night, he continued his endeavour. He studied hard, using only the faint light of candles to see through his lessons. He fought like there's no tomorrow.

Then one day, he did it. He passed the exams where only 19% of those who took it passed. Finally, he was able to prove that he can do things no one thought was possible.

Guess who that boy was? It was ME. This is not to brag but to serve as an inspiration for those who are thinking of calling it quits when the going gets tough.


Never give up the fight.

Yes, I know the feeling of doing everything you can and not YET attaining your desired results.

But think about these.

1) You've come along this far, baby. If you quit now, you've just wasted all your time, efforts, and resources.
2) There are many people who quit just when they're one hair's length away from achieving success.
3) Read about the success stories of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Edison. You'll be inspired to know how they persevere (when ordinary people in their situations could've probably taken the easy way out).
4) You reap what you sow. Some may disagree with me, but I believe in karma. If you work hard enough, you'll get the corresponding result of that hard work.

But what if you've been persisting and persevering with all your heart, and you're still not getting any desirable outcomes?

Maybe you're doing something wrong which you've overlooked. Study the pattern. Evaluate and modify your plan and action if need be.

Ask advise from others. It will be better if you have a mentor or anyone who would inspire and motivate you to face the challenges head-on. The pot of gold is waiting for you at the other end of the rainbow.

"Quitters never win, and winners never quit."

It's almost graduation time. But you've yet to learn the most powerful force of the 7. See you tomorrow.

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

Hi Azlan

The greatest power can be yours if you follow:


In all my 25 years of life here on earth, God has never failed to answer my prayers if am truly sincere or desperate in asking them.

Always have faith. Believe that your prayers will be answered.

If you pray that your sick relative be cured, then really believe it. Don't worry anymore. Be assured that your prayers will not be left unheard.

God will never forsake you. In times, you may feel that He has completely abandon you. But He may just be testing your faith. Or He may have something better in store for you.

The best thing to do is put all your cares and problems to God's hands. All will be done according to His will.

If you have a problem that can be solved, why worry about it? And if it can't be solved, why worry about it either?

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you."

"Whatever you ask God, BELIEVING, He will give you."

The same principle goes no matter what religion you're in. The important thing is that you have DEEP SPIRITUAL FAITH.

Studies have shown that having this kind of faith actually prolongs your life. The inner peace that your faith brings can contribute significantly to good mental and emotional health.

If you have deep spiritual faith, you have the power to conquer all obstacles that come along the way.

May you have the power to achieve whatever you want in life.

Take Care Coz I Care!
Michael Lee, CPA

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