Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Sweetie, How Much Should You Give Up to Keep That Relationship: I Can Answer That!
by Debra J. Palardy
1st Books Library

Book Review by Azlan Adnan

You have a boyfriend and it’s a really exciting time for you. Your relationship is very intense. He focuses all his attention on you, all the time. He wants you every waking minute. He’s always telling you he thinks only of you. He actually means it too.

It’s nothing like the cool reserved relationships your friends have. Yours is always so full of passion. You almost feel sorry for your friends. They don’t know the joy of his white hot love. He’s every girl’s dream. To be loved that intensely is something that you’ve always dreamed of. Now that you have it; you won’t give it up.

But there is just one problem: he loves you so much that he is insanely jealous and will hurt you if don’t do anything and everything that does not put you right in his presence and under his complete control. He wants to isolate you from everyone.

When you see him and none of the things you tell him seems to comfort him, does he have a familiar look in his eyes right before he strikes you verbally or physically?

Does he ask you to leave your home and make one with him? Does he ask this because he just hates to part with you at the end of the day? The real reason is because he needs you alone and under his complete control. There is nothing more predictable than a control freak looking for the ultimate control.

He tells you the intensity of your relationship is born from the way you make him feel. He keeps telling you your problems are unique to the love the two of you share. He’s lying. There is nothing unique about a control freak. It’s classic. Don’t let him. If he gets his way, you will lose yours.

He has had or will have the same problems with all the relationships in his life. You’re just the current young lady having her spirit sucked dry by him. Abusive partners have varied backgrounds that can range from the poorest to the most affluent.

If you’re a victim of violence, do not think that one day your partner will change and everything will be back to normal again. It simply gets worse. Only fifteen percent of abusive partners ever change for the better, and even then, only slightly and after serving a prison term.

You need to get out of that relationship before its too late.

This book is for young ladies trapped in such abusive relationships. Its purpose is to give them the inner strength they need to make informed decisions to avoid the lion’s share of pain and heartbreak victims of dating violence would otherwise face by offering a way out of these relationships.

They’ll read how such relationships seemed to feel good at first, what make them stay, how there’s no romantic spin on jealousy, what it cost them by staying too long and, most importantly, how to get free.

Sweetie is certain to be a godsend for every young lady currently trapped in an abusive relationship. It is also certain to educate every girl not yet trapped in dating violence, so that she can recognise it at the onset.

After reading Sweetie, every girl will understand with clarity the psychology of an abusive partner. That means for every girl who reads this book today, an abusive partner will be out of business tomorrow.

###570 words###

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